This is us – Benjamin and Phillipa Cooper – the couple behind Mi Velez-Malaga. We live in, and run our digital marketing consultancy from, Velez-Malaga. The site has been a philanthropic venture – we love our adopted home, especially its historic centre, and wanted to try to make a small difference in developing its online presence. As such we have built this on a shoestring, as and when we’ve had a spare moment in our busy working lives.
After months of writing and rewriting, editing, rewriting again, taking and sizing thousands of images, and then getting it all into some sort of shape, we feel we now have a go-to site for visitors, residents and prospective residents.
But it isn’t complete by any means. This is an ongoing project – the Spanish version was launched in 2020 and we will be adding to it all the time. So please bear with us, as we continue to try to comprehensively map out anything and everything that’s of interest or value in and around Velez-Malaga.
Spring 2023 – Five Years On, Where Are We?
Going from strength to strength. The love for the Axarquia is growing and so is our audience.
Mi Velez-Malaga is growing over our chosen digital disciplines – search, users, Facebook and Instagram. We are ranking first page of Google for a lot of the key search terms on the area and we will continue to build on this. Our social audiences like what we’re doing; gaining likes, comments and shares for our posts.
We LOVE statistics and drilling down into the why, what and the how of things. Approaching promotion intelligently rather than sell, sell, sell. We don’t ever promote anything for the sake of making a bit of money and we always ask ourselves what need this post or piece of content fulfils to our readers. We’re honest with our editorial output and therefore people trust us and they should do.
The Stats:
+6200 Facebook followers
+2300 Instagram followers
Website reaching 12000 people a month at peak times (we’re happy to share proof for all our statistics)
We’d Love to Hear From You
If you’re doing something fabulous in the Axarquia we’d love to hear from you. We’re here to help. Perhaps an event you’d like to promote, a business you’d like to be featured for free or you’re a digital professional and would like to work for us contact us below with all your details. We’d be delighted to hear from you.