Taxi Services

taxi rank in velez malaga

Convenient, reasonable and reliable – taxi ranks are an easy way to pick up a cab without the need to pre-book. If you’d prefer the taxi to come to you, ring one of the companies below and it won’t be long until they’re at your door.

The main taxi rank in Velez-Malaga is on Calle Reñidero at the roundabout end. Here is a list of the main mini-cab companies in Vélez.

Taxi Rafael Nuñez

666 92 39 09

Mini Cabs

Taxi Paco Velez Malaga

650 92 09 58

Mini Cabs

Taxi Velez

622 02 20 40

Mini Cabs

Taxi 9 Dani 24h

669 27 77 21

Mini Cabs

Taxi Toni

606 38 72 23

Mini Cabs

Taxi Vélez Málaga

951 20 44 45
Mini Cabs

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